Monday, 9 February 2015

Analysing the Representation of Ethnicity

Lesson Objectives: To be able to analyse the representation of gender in television drama.

Read through the page on ethnicity in the TV Drama revision guide located here:
TV Drama Revision Guide

Analyse the representation of ethnicity in the extract below.  You should consider how ethnicity is represented and identify specific examples of how the technical elements are used to construct representation:

  • camerawork
  • sound
  • editing
  • mise-en-scene

You should watch the extract at least three times.

Once you have watched the extract and made notes read through the Examiners' Report below  and identify the strengths and weaknesses of students' answers.  What examples are suggested as to how representation was constructed?

Plan your answer to an exam question on the Hotel Babylon extract analysing the representation of ethnicity through the use of camerawork, sound, editing, and mise-en-scene.

What key points can you make in relation to the messages about ethnicity?
What specific examples will you use from each technical area?  Try to include at least three specific examples from each technical area.