Thursday, 26 January 2012

Viral Marketing

Click to read Viral Marketing article

Read through the article and make notes on the following questions:

What is viral marketing?  How does it work?
How was viral marketing used to promote The Blair Witch Project (1999)?
What are the benefits of viral marketing?
How did Cloverfield (2008) use viral marketing?
What are the disadvantages of viral marketing?

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Film Distribution

Film Distribution (Click to follow link)

Read the 7 articles about film distribution and make notes on the key points.  Use the prompts below to help you with your note making.  You need to be able to define and explain each of the key elements of film distribution, have a clear understanding of key terminology, and be able to explain potential advantages and disadvantages of elements of film distribution.

  • What is distribution and why is it important?
  • What are the differences between the distribution of Hollywood films and independent films?
  • What are the three stages of distribution?
  • What is licensing?
  • What are the stages of a film's release?
  • What is P&A, and its key elements?
  • What is digital distribution?  What are the benefits of digital distribution?